Dimitris Chimonas & Theodoulos Polyviou
The Window Laboratoire d'expérimentations artistiques en milieu urbain, Paris.

Chimonas & Polyviou investigate the sculptural qualities of the body and inversely, sculpture as a trigger and accommodating platform for action. At The Window Residency the artists explored the politics and social structures of spaces in which humans are invited to acknowledge their potential to feel and sense, to be intuitive, to be animals. By focusing on the architecture and narratives that outline these spaces, the artists presented a sculpture that was completed with a performance on the opening night, with the participation of Alberto Sorbelli. 

During the 7 minute perofrmance, as artists undress the invited performer by penetrating the holes and gaps found on the scupture, the bodies are abstracted and appear momentarily unified. The removed clothing is methodically relocated in the openings found on the sctructure and conclusively leaving the performer bare-skinned.

Toy_toy_toy_3 (dragged).jpg